I have done a lot of research and studying of ancient world history and world religions... My comment is toward Islam, not towards Muslims, but the teaching and the ideology behind Islam. Don't get me wrong, there are peaceful preachings and peaceful people in Islam as well as other people and other beliefs. But the true message in Islam is deadly to all mankind! A religion that is based to basically, enslave god and a duty for every single true Muslim to become either a prophet or a martyr (conversions or kill) of the non-believers, That is PLAINLY WRONG AND BARBARIC!
This kind of ideology maybe would have worked in the 4-6th centuries but, for the love of God we are in the 21st century and counting!!..We are not animals, we are human beings with a conscience (ability to think before we act) Killing of the innocent people should be banned COMPLETELY! WORLDWIDE..Every murderer should be sentenced to death or eradicated or anybody that kills in the name of God!
There is no God that promotes killing in the name of God! That is the message in Islam that has gotten out of control and should be eradicated! All these young innocent kids of Islam are being victimized with this barbaric ideology, they are killing themselves (suicide bombing) thinking they're going to heaven with 72 virgins!!!....and infiltrating so much hate towards Jews, Christians, Buddhist, Hindus etc..(all the non-believers of Islam)
Islam claims the Quran has never been revised or rescriptured for 1400 yrs. That's good and dandy but that doesn't prove anything that only proves the message is deadly! Maybe it should be updated and revised at least the hateful preaching part of it for the sake of mankind! I am against a lot of the false teaching in Islam... Islam contradictates a lot about whats in the old testament (Torah) and the new testament (holy bible)..they claim jesus was never crucified, they claim he never resurrected, they claim our bible says there will be one last true prophet following jesus which is mohamad according to islamic teachings, for the record our book never claimed that, they claim the world is flat when the world is round etc. etc. etc.
My point is Islam is against everything that christianity believes and stands for. Nobody has the right to play god or be god! Nobody should have the right to kill in the name of god! God brought us in this world and he'll take us as well! it's not the duty of a man to kill for god, everyone is entitled to their own belief! I'm a christian, and the message in christianity is love and peace that's all, just love and peace! the word kill in the holy bible is used once,( in Islam it is used 2,500 times) thy shall not kill (one of the ten commandments), christianity doesn't preach hate, violence or enslave god:, according to islamic teachings, it is a duty of a muslim to become a prophet or martyr..( a force in conversions)(first u reason and if that doesn't work than use force) you just somehow know that can't be true! it is the grace of god that knoweth and heareth of what's in the heart.. it's free-will and that is who GOD is (loving, caring, merciful,peaceful). now, i'm not speaking in the behalf of the christian people I'm only talking about the preaching of christianity anybody that says otherwise about christianity, obviously, they don't know what's in the teaching. Anybody that loves GOD, loves people, loves the world and all creatures of god, than they should love christianity...it is chicken soup for the soul! it is healing and embracing and loving! That is the true word of god!
Fikiran dia agak terganggu selepas terbacakan komen ini di satu laman web ini.
Betapa begitu buruk sekali tanggapan mereka kepada Islam. Dia merasakan pandangan mereka ini sehingga sebegitu rupa hasil dari segala hebahan media massa yang hanya tertumpu kepada kisah-kisah kekejaman di beberapa tempat... serangan bom berani mati di Bali... Taliban... Apa pandangan yang lain agaknya? Ada sesiapa yang sudi berkongsi pengetahuan kenapa agaknya mereka ini bertindak demikian? There must be a reason... research time!
solidqadz (2 weeks ago)
Did you know that the taliban was responsible for stopping the mass production and import of Opium when they where in power? There are two types of taliban: the first is the real taliban who the media does not show, there want to Impliment the REAL shaira law in afghanistan, promote peace, remove other countires implementing their way of life and infiltrating the reigion from afghanistan. the 2nd is the fake taliban who are MOSSAD, they are the ones u see on TV! not many people know this.
Source: Comment extracted from the YouTube "The Truth About Taliban Part 1"
Hmm... I really wonder who MOSSAD is???
More readings to go in search of MOSSAD...
1) whatreallyhappened.com
2) www.ety.com
3) Who is MOSSAD?
4) Who owns Federal Reserve?

The Mossad was formed on December 13, 1949 as the "Central Institute for Coordination", at the recommendation of Reuven Shiloah to Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. The "Mossad Le'aliyah Bet" was a small, unorthodox Zionist organization whose mission in 1938 was to bring Jews to Israel. This was done to subvert the British quotas on Jewish immigration.

CEO's of Mossad from 2003 to date.
Source: www.mohr.gov.il
Q: Back to Osama's terrorist network. Who was behind the bombing of the U.S. Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya?
A: Mossad is strong in both countries. Remember the Israeli operation to free hostages in Entebbe (Uganda)? Both Kenya and Tanzania were part of the logistical tail. A so-called associate of Osama was framed at Karachi airport. The incidents took place on Aug. 8, 1999, and on the 10th a short, clean-shaven man disembarks at Karachi airport and presents the passport of a bearded man. Not your passport, he was told. He then tries to bribe the clerk with 200 rupees. A ludicrously small sum given the circumstances. The clerk says no and turns him in and he starts singing right away. Not plausible. Osama has sworn to me on the Koran it was not him and he is truthful to a fault. Pious Muslims do not kill innocent civilians who included many Muslim victims. The passport must have been switched while the man was asleep on the plane in what has all the earmarks of a Mossad operation. For 10 years, the Mujahideen fought the Soviets in Afghanistan and not a single Soviet embassy was touched anywhere in the world. So this could not have been Osama's followers.
Source: www.ety.com/HRP/pol/wtc_GenGul.htm
Dan perangilah kerana (menegakkan dan mempertahankan) ugama Allah akan orang-orang yang memerangi kamu, dan janganlah kamu menceroboh (dengan memulakan peperangan); kerana sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang yang menceroboh.
Dan bunuhlah mereka (musuh yang memerangi kamu) di mana sahaja kamu dapati mereka, dan usirlah mereka dari tempat yang mereka telah mengusir kamu; dan (ingatlah bahawa angkara) fitnah itu lebih besar bahayanya daripada pembunuhan dan janganlah kamu memerangi mereka di sekitar masjid Al-Haraam sehingga mereka memerangi kamu di situ. Oleh itu kalau mereka memerangi kamu (di situ), maka bunuhlah mereka. Demikianlah balasan bagi orang-orang yang kafir.
Kemudian jika mereka berhenti memerangi kamu (maka berhentilah kamu); kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Dan perangilah mereka sehingga tidak ada lagi fitnah, dan (sehingga) menjadilah ugama itu semata-mata kerana Allah. Kemudian jika mereka berhenti maka tidaklah ada permusuhan lagi melainkan terhadap orang-orang yang zalim.
(Surah Al-Baqarah:190-193)
Am reading about this lady... Yvonne Ridley
Am also viewing these videos... blame me not. Am trying to understand the situation. And to be fair too... really need to hear from all parties. Analyse... analyse... analyse...
Hmm... this is becoming more interesting. Can anyone help me to solve the PUZZLE???

I've just visit these sites and... I'm truly so speechless!!!
The culprits who blew up the Trade Towers buildings were not extremist Muslims; but rather, the people who own and control The Council On Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Illuminati elite. If the preceding video isn't convincing enough, then read the following article... (Source: Jesus is Savior)
Interesting comment...
This is the best video of Bush on the morning of 9/11. I was watching the Today show when they reported on an odd incident in which a plane apparently collided with one of the trade towers. When I saw the second plane hit, I said to myself,"We're under attack." I immediately, within seconds, was on the phone tracking down the rest of my family. I was only in charge of the safety of them but I jumped into emergency mobilization mode. Bush should have stood up and calmly excused himself.
Another comment:If 2 planes had hit the towers and one had hit the Pentagon, a rational person might have thought that there might be an attack on the president.Although Andrew Card told Bush about the 2nd collision at 9:05,his motorcade didn't leave the school until 9:45,putting the children in danger if there had been an attack directed at Bush, if not by a plane, perhaps by gun-wielding terrorists.If my child had been there, I would have been so angry at the disregard of the children's safety
Hmmm... I think I agree with this mummy... What say you???
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